Tuesday, September 10, 2024
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The equipment listed on this site are basic investigation tools used by Carolina Paranormal Society. This listing is not all inclusive of tools/devices utilized by our team. Carolina Paranormal deploys many advanced resources during our investigations, including proprietary (patent pending) items to collect scientific data during our investigations.

Still Cameras

Still cameras are an investigators prized tool.  They can be used to take pictures of the layout of the investigation, and they can be used to take a picture if your other equipment  picks up a reading.  We mostly use digital cameras because you can view your results immediately.

Carolina Paranormal Charlotte NC Ghost Hunters Still Camera used in Haunted Locations for Ghost Photos


Video Cameras

This is another very important item in the investigation field. With a video camera you tape the interview with your client and it can be used to document the investigation area. Sony has a video camera with nightshot that uses infrared technology. Used in the nightshot mode, the results are fantastic.

Carolina Paranormal Charlotte NC Ghost Hunters Video Camera used in Haunted Locations for Ghost Videos





Electromagnetic Field Dectectors

The Electromagnetic Field Detector (EMF) is very handy. It measures the electromagnetic fields in the area you are investigating and shows any fluctuations immediately.  You would need to take base readings, being careful to measure outlets, appliances, wiring, etc. so you know what they look like on the meter. It is important to go back over a spot when you see a variation to be sure it's not a man-made object you overlooked.  EMF meters vary in price from $40 to $300.


Carolina Paranormal Charlotte NC Ghost Hunters Electromagnetic EMF Detector used for investigating haunted locationsCarolina Paranormal Charlotte NC Ghost Hunters Electromagnetic EMF Detector used for investigating haunted locationsCarolina Paranormal Charlotte NC Ghost Hunters Electromagnetic EMF Detector used for investigating haunted locations


MEL Meter

The MEL-Meter is one of the newest tools on the market for paranormal investigating.  This meter combines a thermocouple w/ K probe and a EMF meter.  This is a great tool as it eliminates having to carry so much equipment while investigating.  Also with a back-lit screen you can still investigate and not have to use a flashlight while using your meters.

Carolina Paranormal Charlotte NC Ghost Hunters Electromagnetic EMF Detector used for investigating haunted locations


Infrared Cameras / DVR Systems

IR cameras are great to have around, although not a necessity, these allow us to see and record in complete darkness. Infrared picks up things that the human eye could never see. They are effective even in daylight making this a great tool.  Using the IR cameras in conjunction with a DVR system allow us to capture video in multiple locations and review each camera angle for possible activity.

Carolina Paranormal Charlotte NC Ghost Hunters Video Camera used in Haunted Locations for Ghost VideosCarolina Paranormal Charlotte NC Ghost Hunters Video Camera used in Haunted Locations for Ghost Videos








Voice Recorders

A voice recorder is another valuable instrument to the investigation. A recorder can be used to record your clients interview and your thoughts at a site. Also this is used to record Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVP). It can capture a spirits voice on the recorder. When you are recording you may not be able to hear anything at the time, but when played back you may hear voices or other sounds.


Carolina Paranormal Charlotte NC Ghost Hunters Voice Recorders used in Haunted Locations for capturing EVPCarolina Paranormal Charlotte NC Ghost Hunters Voice Recorders used in Haunted Locations for capturing EVP







Thermocouple with K type probe

These should be used when you are doing a walk-through of the investigation area. If you encounter a fluctuation of 5 degrees or more, there maybe something or someone there. You can also check to be sure there is no reasonable explanation, such as a window, heating pipe, etc. causing the change.


Carolina Paranormal Charlotte NC Ghost Hunters Temperature Probe used in Haunted Locations for capturing Cold Spots



Laser Grid

Laser Grids are newer tool in the experiemental stage.  This device emits a grid of green dots which can be used as visual anchors in photos or videos. The smallest disturbances due to movement, shadows or other paranormal activity may be easier to see when reviewing photo or video.

Carolina Paranormal Charlotte NC Ghost Hunters Laser Grid


Other Items:

There are many other items that can be used during an investigation.  The ones above are the most common.  We also use the following items.

  • DVD Recorder
  • RF Detector
  • Laptop Computer
  • Desktop Computer
  • Barometer
  • Two way radios
  • Flashlights
  • Notebook & pens
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